The Ultimate Guide To YouTube Marketing For 2022 Business Growth

If you’re looking for unlimited business growth in 2022, YouTube should be on your to-do list. Why? YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world with around two billion monthly active users. Yes, monthly!

Other important YouTube statistics business owners should know are:

  • 5 billion videos are consumed per day
  • 1 billion videos viewed via mobile daily
  • 30 million active daily users
  • 500 hours of video are uploaded every minute

Stats like the above are pretty enticing for businesses looking to grow in 2022. But let’s get a bit more demographic. Did you know that 81 percent of US internet users between the ages of 15 and 25 use YouTube?

YouTube is also pretty non-gender specific with a 50/50 split between male and female users. 

It is clear that YouTube has opportunity for any business looking to connect with a variety of demographics. This is all great news, right? Not so fast. One of the biggest challenges businesses have growing via YouTube is the competition.

With over 50 million content creators using YouTube to build an audience, you really need to stand out to move the needle. And don’t think that you’ll be creating promotional videos based on your products and/or services. YouTube users are not big on spammy video content. 

Your videos need to be creative, actionable, and optimized for maximum reach and engagement. This may seem a bit overwhelming, but fret not. The following ultimate guide to YouTube Marketing for 2022 business growth can get you and your business moving in the right direction. Let’s dive in!

5 Step YouTube Marketing Plan For 2022 Business Growth

Step 1. If you don’t have a business YouTube channel, create one immediately

This is an obvious first step, since you can’t build a marketing strategy for YouTube without a business YouTube channel. 

If you have yet to create your business channel, be sure to create a brand account, because this will allow multiple authorized Google users in your business to login and create videos.

Here’s what a branded YouTube channel looks like . . . 

This is important, because managing a YouTube channel that helps your business grow takes a lot of work. You will need a few people to help manage the tasks of creating videos, uploading, editing, adding video thumbnails, and optimizing videos and the business channel (optimization outlined below).

Step 2. Know what your target audience wants

This is a very important step not to be skipped. Why? You can create all types of videos, but if you fail to give your target audience the video content they want, they will not view or subscribe.

How do I find what my target audience wants? If you run a business, you should have a few buyer personas in place you use for other marketing campaigns. This includes key target audience demographics like location, age, gender, interests, education, device used to search online, profession, keyword queries, and more.

Google Analytics can give you a lot of information about your target audience if you don’t have buyer personas already created. For example, Google found that 80 percent of the Gen-Z demographic turns to YouTube to learn.

And once you have your YouTube business channel setup and running, you can begin tracking analytics on videos. The analytics below highlight impressions, CTR, and views.

But you can also get insights into a number of other analytics, such as:

  • Traffic source types
  • Watch time
  • Traffic source
  • Top videos viewed
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Country/location

Using the video analytics can help guide your creative team, allowing them to know what is working, what isn’t, and the audience in more detail.

Less analytical data can be leveraged to help you build a stronger YouTube marketing plan. For instance, comments can be very telling. Users ask questions about services and/or products, they may want more info about your business, they may even tell you what videos to create next.

Listen to the data, and listen to your audience. This is a two-part step for business growth in 2022 via YouTube.

Step 3. What are your competitors doing on YouTube?

Doing competitive research has always been a go-to for businesses looking to grow and capture more market share. The same goes for YouTube. There is no reason to recreate the wheel, so do some in-depth research on your competitors, especially the ones who have been posting videos for a few years.

Let’s say you’re a personal injury lawyer in California and you are ready to begin growing your law firm utilizing the power of YouTube. Naturally, you search for competitors via YouTube search and find this competitor . . . 

Seeing what videos worked the best (most views, engagement, etc.) you simply rinse and repeat.

For instance, this video netted over 100,000 views . . . 

As a law firm looking to grow, you can create a similar video, use the same optimization strategy, and begin growing your business. Competitor research is really that simple. And it’s a win-win, since you have a great branded video you can use on your website and other social media channels online.

There is one important note to add when it comes to competitor research, and the competition in general when it comes to YouTube. Be sure that your competitors are not running ads on your videos. It is a sneaky tactic that can stunt your business growth goals for 2022.

Useful Resource: How to advertise on Youtube

Step 4. Employ YouTube search optimization tactics to maximize video reach

Simply posting videos on YouTube won’t cut it if you really want to grow your business. One of the best marketing strategies you can employ for YouTube is not really marketing at all, but more SEO

YouTube video search optimization is a real thing. And if you want to maximize reach on every posted video, you better be optimizing to the fullest. How? Here are some very important optimization tactics you need to employ for every video campaign in 2022:

  • Use keywords in your YouTube video titles. The title you choose is very important to getting the most organic reach on each video you post. The title needs to have keywords that have high monthly search volumes, as well as enticing to users to click on it. Let’s say you’re a local plumber and create a video about fixing a leaky kitchen sink. Which title is better, “How To Fix A Sink” or “DIY Tutorial To Fix Your Kitchen Sink Without Calling A Plumber.” You can use Google Keyword Planner to find the right keywords.

  • Create a detailed, enticing video description. Like the title, the YouTube video description is almost as important. A good video description contains keywords relevant to the video and your business (keywords at the beginning), short overview of the video, website and social media links, links to other videos and/or playlists, time stamps if needed, and hashtags.
  • Use plenty of relevant hashtags. YouTube is kind of like social media, thus hashtags apply. Why hashtags for videos? Like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc., hashtags make your business’ YouTube videos more searchable. However, there are rules to using YouTube hashtags. For instance, you should use 10-15 of the strongest hashtags relevant to the video. If you use too many, no hashtags will be in play. You should also check YouTube’s hashtag guidelines.
  • Make and use video thumbnails. If you’re not sure what a video thumbnail is, it’s ok. But you will need to learn how to use them, because YouTube video thumbnails are the enticing cover image that makes users click on your business’ video. Create your own custom thumbnails that are unique to your brand, and creative enough to be attention-grabbing.

  • Use bumper ads, watermarks, and cards in YouTube videos. This is a great marketing and optimization tactic that can help you promote your channel and increase views on you entire video catalog. Bumper ads, cards, and watermarks are also unobtrusive to viewers. For instance, cards are little CTAs that are placed on videos to direct users to other videos, products, and/or your business website.

Step 5. Use the power of YouTube influencer marketing

There is a lot of noise online, and sometimes connecting with your target audience can be challenging. To get a headstart using YouTube to grow your business in 2022, you can get help from YouTube influencers.

YouTube influencers have a loyal subscriber base that businesses can access when working with an influencer. And if you do your homework and choose the right influencer for your industry, the influencer’s subscribers are most likely already interested in businesses, products, and/or services like yours.

But what should you look for in an influencer? Here are a few important benchmarks for your next YouTube influencer marketing campaign:

  • The influencer is relevant to your industry
  • He or she has plenty of subscribers (but within your budget)
  • The influencer gets a good number of views per video
  • Subscribers engage with videos (comments, likes, etc.)
  • The influencer will be happy to show you some analytics
  • He or she is easy to work with (collaboration is key)

There are certainly other metrics to research when choosing an influencer for your brand, but the above can get you moving in the right direction. You can also skip the research and enlist a professional influencer marketing platform to connect you with influencers.

Scalefluence connects businesses like yours with verified influencers

Growing your business in 2022 doesn’t need to be difficult. In fact, it can be pretty easy if you employ the above tips outlined in our ultimate guide to YouTube marketing for 2022 business growth.

And if you want to cut right to the chase, you can lean on Scalefluence for help. 

We have a large network of influencers that represent a variety of industries, from tech to health and wellness. 

Our influencer marketing campaigns are data-driven, ensuring your business achieves ROI positive results.

Signup with Scalefluence today and get top-notch influencer marketing that will give your business a competitive edge in 2022.

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